
May 27, 20202 min

Les Mots du Voyage

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

Le mois de juin arrive à grand pas, ça sent l’été, ça donne envie de voyager ! Aimez-vous voyager et découvrir de nouvelles contrées ? Laissez-moi partager mon goût pour les voyages avec vous !

Une escapade

Do you feel like “escaping” from your daily routine when you go for a little “escapade”? Yes! In latin, “excappare” means “escape”. In French, “faire une escapade” has a taste of freedom and “joie de vivre”. When you say “Je suis allée faire une petite escapade”, you mean you escaped from your daily routine to relax, take a moment for yourself and do what you like to do. “Je reviens de ma petite escapade", c’était chouette !”. We usually use “petite” as “une escapade” is usually short, yet enjoyable.

Une virée

“Une virée” is a synonym of “une escapade”. « Faire une virée, faire une petite virée » means « aller quelque part » (going somewhere fun, relaxing and enjoyable, going for a little trip)

Un globe-trotteur

Literally, a person who likes « trotting around the globe ».This is a cute word that describes someone who loves travelling a lot and cannot help discovering new places. Nothing to do with “un voyageur”, which is more technical and used as a “passenger” (un passager). If you say “c’est un grand voyageur”, you refer to someone who is a “globe-trotteur”. “C’est un vrai globe-trotteur !” (He/she never stops travelling!). French grammar would accept the feminine form “trotteuse”, une globe-trotteuse”, but we commonly use “un globe-trotteur”, even for a girl.

Partir à l’aventure

This expression is similar to “partir en voyage” (go travelling). “Partir à l’aventure has a note of unkown and fun and discovery. When you “pars à l’aventure”, you accept losing control and go with the flow of your travelling. If you go somewhere new and you are not familiar with the route, you can also say “je pars à l’aventure” because you don’t really know where you are going and if you are going to find the place in the end.

Un bivouac / bivouaquer

Un bivouac” is a temporary camp. “Faire un bivouac” means “going camping”. “Bivouaquer” is the action of going camping. “Bivouac” has a sense of great adventure in nature with very simplistic equipment. In France, Rhônes-Alpes region, among others, is a great place for “bivouaquer”.

A bientôt pour de nouvelle aventures en français !
